We’ve partnered with our very good friends at iHerb, the worlds biggest natural products online store, to bring you this special deal.

iHerb is where I buy all my natural products, as their quality and prices are really hard to beat.

Today you can get a high quality stainless steel tea infuser for under $8 (for first-time iHerb customers only)

What’s the catch?  There isn’t one 🙂

iHerb are offering 5 dollars off for any customer who hasn’t shopped with them before.  Conveniently, this stainless steel tea infuser costs under 9 dollars, so all you pay is $3.95 the price of the postage ($4)…sweet!

So go ahead and take advantage of this great deal today!

  • Note: Your first-time buyer discount will only show once you get to the iHerb checkout page

Visit iHerb for every conceivable natural health product in existence (apart from our Special Health Tea, that is!)

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